

Thinking of what treatment to make a new you.JPG

The key to radiant skin is here.


At WK SKIN & LASER CLINIC, we aim to create long lasting and natural looking results which are designed to enhance your overall appearance using premium quality of wrinkle reductions, laser treatments and skin treatments. We provide best practice standards to ensure your extensive comfort and safety.  We believe it is imperative to strictly follow legal and medical guidelines in relation to cosmetic dermatology treatments so you can enjoy peace of mind and the guarantee that you are receiving the highest level of service possible.

WRINKLE INJECTIONS - Whilst the face is in motion the lines that appear are known as dynamic wrinkles, however repeated movement over time forms deeper lines and folds known as static wrinkles.

Wrinkle injections work to prevent the formation of static wrinkles by stopping the signal between the nerve and muscle.

The decreased movement in the muscle places less stress on the skin helping you maintain a fresh and youthful appearance. This treatment is most effective when used as a preventative measure.

Wrinkle injections are made from a purified protein that temporarily causes facial muscles to relax, instantly softening lines and wrinkles and reducing the severity of visible wrinkles.

Facial fullness treatment for volume loss - As we get older, loss of volume is probably one of the biggest factors that ages our face but thank you to facial fullness treatment, our Cosmetic Nurse Practitioner can now address this issue without having to put you under the knife.

With the latest facial fullness treatment formulations and treatment techniques, our Cosmetic Dermatology Nurse Practitioner can add youthful volume to the face and plump out lines for subtle and natural looking results.

LIP fullness treatment - There are variety of reasons WKSLC clients seek more volume in their lips. Younger clients are often keen to emulate popular style icons of our time while our more mature clients sometimes seek to restore volume that has diminished through normal processes such as aging, genetics and environmental factors.

Some people simply seek out lip augmentation because they have naturally thin lips and desire more fullness.

Whatever your reasons lip fullness treatment can Restore fullness; Correct asymmetries and restore balance to the lips; Soften lines and wrinkles around the lips; Add volume and shape to naturally thin-shaped lips; and Add softness and smoothness.


Skincare rituals are important for maintaining a luminous complexion.


MEDICAL GRADE LASER HAIR REMOVAL - You can now throw out the razors. No more waxing. Now you can be ready at a moment’s notice. Laser treatment for hair removal means fast and reliable, permanent hair reduction. Our experienced Cosmetic Nurse Practitioner uses medical grade AW3 Schnelle Diode Laser, one of world’s most efficient hair reduction systems that is near pain-free on your skin. For smooth, ready to go skin all year round.

The laser works by directing concentrated light into the hair follicle inhibiting the hair’s ability to grow without disrupting or damaging the skin’s surface.

Our lasers use a wide beam which allows the removal of multiple hair follicles at the same time.

Our experienced Cosmetic Nurse Practitioner will take your skin and hair type into account before creating a personalised treatment plan.

The AW3 Schnelle Laser Machine is designed to work for clients with all skin types.

Designed with sensitive skin in mind, our laser hair removal technology is safe enough to be used on any part of the body and target different skin types whilst ensuring maximum results. All of our lasers feature a unique dynamic cooling device that helps to calm, soothe and protect the skin.

Laser hair removal benefits include Permanent hair reduction; Reduce ingrown hairs; Safe and effective technology; Convenient and cost-effective; With every treatment, hair grows back thinner and lighter

WK SKIN & LASER CLINIC has the most affordable laser hair removal prices.

For your initial course of laser hair removal treatment, we recommend approximately 10 treatments, spaced 4-6 weeks apart. Everyone is slightly different so book in a complimentary consultation with one of our experienced Cosmetic Nurse Practitioner.


  • Shave the treatment area the night before your appointment.

  • Do not wax in the 4 weeks leading up to your appointment as pigment is required in the hair follicle for the laser to identify the hair and treatment to be effective. 

  • Avoid exposing the area to direct sunlight for 2 weeks prior to your treatment and always protect the skin with sunscreen. 


There may be some mild heat and redness in areas that have been treated. Soothe any redness and sensitivity with 100% Aloe Vera Gel, this will continue to draw heat out of the skin and keep the area cool and hydrated. The Aloe Vera Gel can be applied liberally for 3-5 days or until the skin has returned to its pre-treatment state.

For 24 hours post-treatment, avoid shaving, waxing or plucking hair, exfoliation, excessive sweating, swimming or saunas, very hot showers and tight restrictive clothing.

Avoid exposing the area to direct sunlight for 2 weeks after your treatment and always use sunscreen SPF 50+ to protect the skin and maintain results.


Please give us a call for your appointment (08) 6507 6522, alternatively email info@wkskwnandlaserclinic.com